
Offsite Modular Construction

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What is Modular or Off-site Construction?

Modular or off-site construction is a construction method where a whole building or parts of the building (called modules) are manufactured in a factory and then delivered to the building site. It can be used to speed up the process lifecycle, preserve natural habitat, increase safety and reduce risks. Modular Fabrication of Pods also means working with a single point of contact and elimination for multiple sub-contractor coordination (MEP, insulation, plumbing, tiling, plastering, sanitary wears, electrical works, waterproofing, fixtures, etc.)

Terms to Know

Module or room

Building section or component

Method of using building section or modules as building blocks for construction

Method of producing buildings or parts of the building off-site

Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction

Building Information Modelling (Learn more about BIM and Modular Systems here)

Design for Manufacture and Assembly is a combination of two methods and approach to produce higher quality with less waste and reduced costs through efficiency in manufacturing and assembly

What is the difference between volumetric off-site construction and prefabricated construction?

Although both are considered types of off-site construction and fall under that wide term, prefabrication is not the same as volumetric or PPVC construction. Prefabricated is technically considered any structure that has some sections produced off-site, while volumetric or PPVC construction means assembling whole three-dimensional independent rooms off-site. Prefabricated can also stand for temporary, lower-end structures while volumetric PPVC products are permanent solutions.

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Consistent Quality

Stringent quality programs with best practice requirements promote superior quality of modular construction every step of the way. With a design-intense program and advanced BIM engineering, DuPod can understand the entire process at the earliest and map out the quality checkpoints and the processes to ensure best practices for the highest quality results. Comprehensive digital review and virtual simulation of the manufacturing and construction processes ensures that there is no need for expensive corrective measures required on-site which are sometimes required with traditional construction.

One point of contact

One point of contact means dealing with one supplier instead of managing multiple trades on site. It guarantees convenience to our clients and the freedom to focus on what’s really important to them.


A standardized operating environment can double productivity compared to traditional site construction thanks to the repetitive, simplified process. Compared to on-site operations, factory production can be up to 250% more efficient. Utilizing the latest construction technology, modular construction allows for drastically reduced project lifecycle and guaranteed delivery on time.

Modular construction isn’t subject to any site downtime, as manufacturing is happening around the clock at the factory, and safer since it requires less manpower on site. Productivity is doubled in a standardized operating environment when compared to traditional site construction thanks to the repetitive, simplified process.


Due to the quality-controlled process, off-site modular construction by nature is material and resource-efficient. With the off-site modular construction method, there is less construction waste and carbon emissions. In addition, modular construction also uses less energy due to production repetition, common with assembly line manufacturing.

Consistent Quality

Stringent quality programs with best practice requirements promote superior quality of modular construction every step of the way. With a design-intense program and advanced BIM engineering, DuPod can understand the entire process at the earliest and map out the quality checkpoints and the processes to ensure best practices for the highest quality results. Comprehensive digital review and virtual simulation of the manufacturing and construction processes ensures that there is no need for expensive corrective measures required on-site which are sometimes required with traditional construction.

One point of contact

One point of contact means dealing with one supplier instead of managing multiple trades on site. It guarantees convenience to our clients and the freedom to focus on what’s really important to them.


A standardized operating environment can double productivity compared to traditional site construction thanks to the repetitive, simplified process. Compared to on-site operations, factory production can be up to 250% more efficient. Utilizing the latest construction technology, modular construction allows for drastically reduced project lifecycle and guaranteed delivery on time.
Modular construction isn’t subject to any site downtime, as manufacturing is happening around the clock at the factory, and safer since it requires less manpower on site. Productivity is doubled in a standardized operating environment when compared to traditional site construction thanks to the repetitive, simplified process.


Due to the quality-controlled process, off-site modular construction by nature is material and resource-efficient. With the off-site modular construction method, there is less construction waste and carbon emissions. In addition, modular construction also uses less energy due to production repetition, common with assembly line manufacturing.

DuPod uses latest 3D BIM Technology which generates accurate models and specific data for the off-site construction

With a design-intense program, we can better understand the entire process at an early stage and map out the quality checkpoints and the processes to ensure best practices for better results. A factory-controlled environment enables such process-driven thinking. Rigorous quality control is a pivotal component to the success of DuPod establishing a clear and consistent quality management system. Pods are finished down to the smallest detail by a team of highly specialized and skilled craftspeople, eliminating long snags and defects lists, commonly associated with traditional construction.

Why choose DuPod?

As the leading tech-advanced off-site construction company, DuPod enables developers, architects, contractors, and regulators to extract all the benefits of a modular solution and provides them with access to premium quality product ranges for every project need. Our advanced engineering platform with Building Information Modeling (BIM) is behind our ability to excel, innovate and deliver products that enable our clients to achieve certainty within stringent project parameters.

Please get in touch with us to discuss the potential of intelligent modular solution and latest construction technology for your project.